Did you know that writing can be therapeutic even if you don’t fancy yourself a writer?
I am not a writer, but writing has been extremely monumental in my life on m healing and self-discovery journey.
In this episode, the fabulous Nicole Strychaz, aka The Writing Medium, and I discussed the power of writing, ways to release energy through writing, how writing in a journal is more powerful than you think, and how to be less formal in writing.
Nicole was generous enough to share her Moon Writing Magic course with us for a very low cost. If you’d like to take advantage of this fantastic deal, go to: https://thewritingmedium.com/moon-writing-magic/ to sign up.
Additional Resources:
{FREE} Workshop: How to Grieve the Loss of Your Childhood: Surviving Childhood Trauma on February 15th. Register here: https://andreamichel.lpages.co/febworkshop/
Join our Facebook group at: https://www.andreamichel.com/groups
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