EP 023: Healing and Discovering Yourself After Hitting Rock Bottom With Katie Burthardt

This week’s episode features the story of Katie Burthardt and her healing journey after hitting rock bottom.

My name is Katie Burthardt, I am a mom of two wonderful boys and have been married for almost 11 years. I am also an intuitive life coach with a background in Occupational Therapy. I help people find clarity, break through limiting beliefs and get unstuck so they can continue to learn and grow along their journey. My background allows me to see a person in a holistic way, in order to develop and facilitate the best plan of action to help you better function in your daily life. Looking back, I think I was a life coach long before I even knew what a life coach was or that it was my calling in life. As someone who has always longed for purpose, I knew I was put on this earth for a reason and to do something great! I have come to realize that the “something great” I was meant to do was help others in the hard moments of life. The way I know best how to help others is to love unconditionally and to shine my light, so they can shine theirs.


[4:43] Why are we here?

[5:50] Katie’s story

[10:35] We have free will and are living a journey

[13:27] “I have a purpose”

[16:31] Realization of “what am I doing with my life?”

[17:22] You should pour from the overflow of your cup, so that your cup is always full

[24:55] Hitting rock bottom

[25:57] Moving on from trauma

[28:20] Healed people heal people

[35:11] Being an empath/feeling energies

[42:52] There is more to life

[47:39] You’re not alone

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I’m a trauma-sensitive, Master Certified Life coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, doctoral student (Developmental Psychology) and host of the Healing While Discovering Yourself podcast. I’m also the creator the most powerful healing membership in the world called Healing In The Shadow™️.

I create a safe space so that high achieving women and men can heal from trauma and/or other past unpleasant experiences while discovering their purpose and pursuing their passion so that they can create a life of freedom, fall in love with themselves, make more money, and live an abundant life.


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