EP 022: Healing and Discovering Yourself After Religious Trauma With Rassy Young

Intuitive Oracle and Empowerment Coach – Rassy grew up like most people, amidst trauma and dysfunction. From a very young age, she had been conditioned into codependency, people-pleasing, perfectionism and every method of self-sabotage known to man.

In a constant state of anxiety about the future, guilt over the past and sprinklings of depression throughout, she realized she was in her 30s and deeply unhappy.

She never had enough money, She was constantly hurt in love. She was overweight and struggled with her self-image. She battled constantly against her strict religious upbringing. And then, the most amazing thing happened…

She lost it all.

She was expelled from the church, disowned by her family. She was in debt. Her marriage was falling apart. She gained even more weight. though she tried, nothing seemed to fill the void that was left by… her.

Her journey of self discovery brought the realization that she had been following the path others had laid out for her. She dug and sifted through all of the programming and conditioning to uncover who she really was… an amazing woman with a fulfilling purpose!

Now, Rassy helps others gain the confidence to excavate their true selves, choose their soul purpose, and to follow their path, without guilt or hesitation!


[7:55] Rassy’s story

[10:37] It’s all about terminology

[14:00] Never follow something so blindly without the ability to question

[17:00] If we are not careful, we can retraumatize people by forcing beliefs on them

[23:12] Believing in God, just not the same way that others do

[26:35] Absolute truths

[33:55] Level of Control

[39:34] Using your tools

[51:05] Have the courage to walk away

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I’m a trauma-sensitive, Master Certified Life coach, Certified NLP Practitioner, doctoral student (Developmental Psychology) and host of the Healing While Discovering Yourself podcast. I’m also the creator the most powerful healing membership in the world called Healing In The Shadow™️.

I create a safe space so that high achieving women and men can heal from trauma and/or other past unpleasant experiences while discovering their purpose and pursuing their passion so that they can create a life of freedom, fall in love with themselves, make more money, and live an abundant life.


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